Gerd Wanderer
May 4, 1952born in Rudolstadt/Thuringia
1968-1979Apprenticeship, training and work as a stonemason
1979-1981 studies at the HiF Burg Giebichenstein Halle, Department of Sculpture
1982-1985 Master student at the Berlin Academy of Arts with Prof. Gerhard Kettner
1986 Admission to the Association of Visual Artists in Gera; Beginning of the court vernissages in Jena, Johannesstr. 17
1987Relocation to Berlin
1987-2017 painter and sculptor in Berlin
since 2017 studio in Apolda
Recognition and Awards
Graphics award winner (100 selected graphics)
Contract for work of the artist promotion Berlin
Senate grant from the State of Berlin
JenAcon Foundation Art Prize Jena

' Zwischen Andeutung und Ausmalung bleibt hinreichend Raum für Interpretationen jenes Welttheaters, das Großes und Kleines einfallsreich verbindet und dessen Ausdeutung den Betrachter lange fesseln kann.'
Erik Stephan Direktor der Kunstsammlungen Jena